Imagining Winter

Snowy Evening, watercolor on canvas, 4" x 4"
Snowy Evening, watercolor on canvas, 4″ x 4″

We don’t have snow here, yet.  It’s not even officially winter, but I am thinking ahead and painting some snow scenes.  I have purchased some iridescent medium which can be used mixed in the watercolor paint, or brushed over top of it.  I use it to add some sparkle to the snow, but these images don’t show the sparkle.

Winter Fun, watercolor on canvas, 4" x 4"
Winter Fun, watercolor on canvas, 4″ x 4″





3 responses to “Imagining Winter”

  1. Ells Avatar

    Nice! Those will make great cards too!

  2. rebecca Avatar

    Nice, snow can be tricky, but you captured it really well! I would rather just see snow on paper too….

  3. laura lecce Avatar

    These are so beautiful and delicate looking. I love the subtle colors you’ve added to the trees. Magical.

I’m interested in hearing what you think!

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